
April 5, 2022
Articles By Admin

Developing an online lead generation strategy

Developing an online lead generation strategy is a matter of testing what works and what doesn't for your business. Here are ...

6 resources to help you maximise your online lead conversion

If you follow the inbound marketing philosophy, generating leads should be your highest priority. Without leads, you cannot ...

Could you be using social media to find leads and close deals?

Performance Indicators

55% of B2B buyers search for information on social media

Increasing Visibility

72.6% of salespeople using social media outperformed their sales peers

Social media is now proving to be a valuable tool for marketing and sales. According to a report by the Content Marketing ...

74% of B2B marketing companies use twitter to distribute content

Many marketing companies have taken to using Twitter as a tactic for generating leads, with successful results. In a survey ...

75% of customers use social media as part of the buying process

Jumping onto the Platforms

89% of customers begin their buying process with a search engine

It has happened to all of us – those nuisance calls attempting to sell double glazing or accident insurance. Well luckily, ...

98% of sales reps with 5000+ LinkedIn connections achieve quota

If you’re planning on embarking upon the social media route to gain new customers, then it’s a good idea to give LinkedIn a ...

Do sales people who use social media close more deals?

Social media can be a great tool to get your business noticed and to generate leads but it can also help to nurture these ...