6 resources to help you maximise your online lead conversion

Post by Admin on October 18, 2017
6 resources to help you maximise your online lead conversion

If you follow the inbound marketing philosophy, generating leads should be your highest priority. Without leads, you cannot engage in lead nurturing, which has proven to be a crucial part of successfully growing your customer base and your business. So, how do you ensure that your digital marketing campaign maximises the opportunities to convert visitors into leads? We have sought out 6 great resources to help you.

Here are 6 great sources of information to help you increase lead conversion.

1) HubSpot, "10 brilliant tips from conversion rate optimisation experts"

This is a great place to start, it's a collection of expert opinions on the general topic of conversion. In this article, conversion optimisation experts from Unbounce share their thoughts on what makes visitors convert to leads. From acronyms like NSAMCWADLP to simple tips like "keep it short", this article offers a nice overview to get yourself familiar with the concept. 

2) Sprout Social, "How to generate leads through social media"

However, before they turn into leads, visitors have to come from somewhere. In inbound marketing, that 'somewhere' is often social media. This article offers an in-depth tutorial on how to optimise your social media strategy and generate leads. It suggests conversion optimisation strategies for Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Instagram, it helps turn your social media marketing from a branding initiative into a key cog in your lead generation process.

3) Kissmetrics, "The anatomy of a perfect landing page"

Any successful inbound marketer will know that a landing page should be at the heart of your lead generation efforts. Kissmetric's infographic on creating an ideal landing page breaks down each component, from the headline to social proof, right down to the call-to-action. It includes suggestions on how to improve a landing page alongside advice on testing and optimisation for conversion.

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4) UserTesting, "11 characteristics of persuasive call-to-action buttons"

Two of the components on the Kissmetrics infographic deserve further consideration: the first being the call-to-action button. This article explains what makes up a good CTA, with tips ranging from "sense of urgency" to "speaking in first person". Call-to-action buttons drive visitors to your landing page, and convince them to convert once they arrive, this article can help you optimise that process.

5) And back to Unbounce, "3 marketing experts tell how simple strategies = big conversion boosts"

Here we are back with Unbounce and some more expert opinions. This article emphasises the simplicity of optimising your strategy for lead generation. Conversion optimisation, as it turns out, can be as simple as narrowing your focus, keeping it simple, and understanding the mindset of your visitors.

6)  ConversionXL, "Is social proof really that important?"

A provocative title opens a 3,000 word treatise on social proof. Testimonials, social shares, and case studies have long been considered a key part to conversion optimisation. Using a wealth of statistics alongside plenty of expert opinions, this article examines why social proof works, and how to effectively incorporate it into your digital strategy. Our favourite part:

Social proof really is that important. But how you use it is what will make or break your landing page. Move away from the standard uses if you want to move beyond the “banner blindness syndrome” and really tap into the power of social proof.

Of course, these six resources are just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to optimising your digital marketing for inbound lead conversions. Each of them provides links to further content that helps you increase your expertise and ultimately maximise your lead generation efforts. But if you don't have the time or inclination to delve deeper, we can help! For more information on how to maximise your inbound lead conversion, contact us.

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