7 Reasons to Start Inbound Marketing

Post by Kevin Horler on June 1, 2016
7 Reasons to Start Inbound Marketing

Whilst many traditional marketing tactics are timeless, many of them cannot compare to the new philosophy. It was only a handful of years ago that all companies relied on various outbound marketing tools such as printed materials, TV and radio, direct mail, banner advertising and cold calls. Today, the sharpest minds in marketing are focusing on inbound methodologies, including search engines, referrals and social media, as these are providing real value, that can be measured and evaluated, and they aim to inform and entertain in the process.

With traditional outbound marketing, communication is one-way and the content has very little added value, often being recognised as brash and sometimes rather aggressive sales material. It is easily recognised, from the huge HALF PRICE OFF EVERYTHING posters to the slightly subtler but equally one-dimensional radio jingles designed to drive footfall to a store or venue. Neither of these techniques offer anything other than very obvious sales messages. However, inbound marketing is based on educating, inspiring and helping its audience, with the objective of gaining sales only from those who truly need and want the product or service being advertised.

To further illustrate the importance and power of inbound marketing, here are 7 key reasons why you should be thinking about integrating it into your marketing strategy.

  1. Your current marketing activity is most likely based upon traditional, disruptive, marketing methods, it will interrupt your prospects' working day to deliver its message. This may be seen as pushy or aggressive.
  2. You are gaining leads but at a slower rate or a higher cost than desired, resulting in a clogged sales funnel and a significantly restricted budget.
  3. People find it hard to locate your business in search listings. If your website is not on the first page of search results, it is unlikely that a prospect will click through to the next page when there are options available on the first page.
  4. If your website does not include a well-constructed and informative blog, case studies or free resources for your prospects, and your social channels are constant adverts, your brand will lose engagement with its audience very quickly.
  5. Your sales pipeline depends on door-to-door flyers, posters in busy urban hubs, salespeople calling random numbers every day. Whilst it may generate some sales, it is very unlikely to gather any useful data for developing your approach, or creating and maintaining a meaningful a two-way communications channel with your prospects.
  6. The majority of your customers are short-term or gained by chance, reducing your ability to future proof your business. This may keep the cash flowing but there is a very real risk of a slump in profits when customers reduce or cease their relationship with you because they are behaving in an opportunistic manner.
  7. You do not have sufficient reach. If you are distributing print within a confined geographical area and only calling a few area codes, you’re limiting your sales in a physical sense when you could be spreading your brand’s message nationally, or even around the world, through digital activity.

Any of the above sound familiar? We’re huge advocates of inbound marketing and want to help you put it to good use. Start off by downloading our FREE Inbound Marketing checklist, then call us on 0800 998 7502 for further details on achieving an enviably high ROI.

